Tick Bite Treatment - New Bite
You've been bitten by a tick. Now what?
Proper Tick Removal & Initial Treatment
Tick bites are no joke. If you’ve been bitten by a tick, it’s very important that it is removed properly. After removal, apply a topical antiseptic then begin a botanical medicine regimen.
Tick Bite Symptoms and Treatment
If you have recently been bitten by a tick (10 days or less), or are feeling sudden symptoms suggestive of acute Lyme disease with no known tick bite (ie a summer-time ‘flu’) quick, appropriate and effective treatment is your best way to minimize health concerns from Lyme illness.
Symptoms suggestive of acute Lyme disease can occur up to 30 days post bite. Symptoms can include:
Facial palsy
Lymph node swelling
Night sweats
Air hunger or non-exertional shortness of breath
Chest pain
Abdominal pain loss of appetite
“Bull’s eye” or other rash around tick bite (take a photo and mark the site).
Flu-like symptoms
Joint pain or swelling
Muscle pain
Neck pain
How I Treat Tick Bites and Our Rates
I am here to help you design such a protocol. I use an integrative approach to acute Lyme disease which includes both antibiotics and botanicals; as well as treating to the full growth cycle of Lyme borrelia (out to 6 weeks).
You will be prescribed some combination of antibiotics, herbs, and nutraceuticals to support your immune and detox pathways. Labs may be ordered.
Consult cost is $200 available virtually for NYS patients.
Subsequent follow ups, if needed, are billed at the regular rate of $225/visit.
This visit does not apply to the complexity of late-staged Lyme